All Tommorrows Train Rides - Brochure Cover.png


Winner of the Blue Light Poetry Prize

“[These] poems explore subjects of journeys and longing, and finding comfort in the rituals of modern life, all the while showing us the tiny details that make us alive. I’m so excited for his readers to hold such a beauty in their hands.”

— Devi Laskar, author of The Atlas of Reds and Blues

“Read these fine poems and encounter some part of your own unvoiced life.”

Beau Beausoleil, author of A Glyphic House: New and Selected Poems 1976–2019

“This is a ride to catch.”

—Thea Matthews, author of
Unearth [The Flowers]

New from Sixteen Rivers Press

All Tomorrow’s Train Rides is an odyssey of reading and poetic memory. What begins as a single day in a worker’s commute morphs into a Möbius loop of literary history and cultural consciousness. “Where do we read and whom?” is a question that drives the nostalgia, dread, and humor of this collection. Riddled with geographical coordinates and commentary, this book of interdependent poems explores the idea of “living in translation” and fuses the formal aesthetics of cartography to our relationships with people, places, books, and the natural world.